Thursday, October 17, 2013


Negara kita telah digegarkan oleh satu blog yang panas lagi hangat mengenai sebuah syarikat memproses bihun perisa babi yang telah memperdaya para pengguna dan pembeli. Malahan berita di saluran TV3 juga telah mengupas isu pedas ini. Kilang Bihun Beras Indah Sdn. Bhd. (KBBI)(Co. No. 365216-T) telah beroperasi semula walaupun telah disita oleh Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna (KPDN & HEP), Putrajaya. Malangnya, kilang yang berfikir hanya untuk mengaut keuntungan ini terus-terusan menghasilkan produk TIDAK HALAL, KOTOR, dan JIJIK ini tanpa mempeduli dan menghormati undang-undang dan masyarakat Islam khususnya.
Pihak berkuasa telah berulang kali menjalankan penyiasatan terhadap operasi yang dijalankan kilang tersebut malahan pernah disiarkan oleh media massa Metro. Aneh sekali pihak berkuasa masih tidak dapat mengawal kegiatan sinis ini.
Lihat keterangan lanjut di bawah
Terkini, mereka telah menipu orang ramai dengan menukar alamat premis kepada yang baru dalam menjalankan perniagaan lama mereka iaitu perniagaan pemprosesan bihun walhal kawasan pemprosesan bihun tersebut masih di tempat yang lama iaitu bersebelahan kandang babi.
Alamat premis sebenar yang beroperasi iaitu sebelah kandang ternakan babi :
Lot 1123
Tingkat Selamat 6
Kampung Selamat, Tasek Gelugor
Seberang Prai
13300 Pulau Pinang
Ke alamat baru
No 2736,
Tingkat Selamat 6,
Kampung Selamat,
13300 T.Glugor,
Seberang Prai Utara, Malaysia
KBBI yang berkeluasan 4 hingga 5 hektar ini terletak bersebelahan kandang ternakan babi yang hanya dipisahkan oleh pagar yang tidak seberapa itu mengelirukan para pengguna dengan meletakkan tanda halal sendiri dalam tulisan jawi dan rumi yang tidak pernah diiktiraf oleh Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM). Malahan permohonan untuk mendapatkan sijil pengiktirafan halal pernah ditolak oleh Majlis Agama Islam Pulau Pinang.
Anak panah di sebelah kanan menunjukkan kilang Bihun Beras Indah manakala anak panah di sebelah kiri menunjukkan pusat ternakan babi.
Logo halal bermaksud logo yang dikeluarkan oleh JAKIM/ JAIN/ MAIN dan mengandungi:
Logo halal yang sah dari JAKIM mempunyai:
a) bintang berbucu lapan di tengah-tengah bulatan;
b) perkataan Arab – “????” di tengah bintang;
c) diikuti tulisan rumi “HALAL”;
d) bulatan logo tertulis perkataan “Malaysia” dalam tulisan Rumi dan ??????? dalam perkataan Arab;
e) dua bintang kecil berbucu lima diletakkan bagi memisahkan tulisan rumi dan perkataan Arab tersebut.
Logo HALAL sah dari JAKIM
Manakala logo halal JAIN/MAIN:
a) di bawah tulisan rumi “HALAL” terdapat kod pendaftaran logo halal bagi negeri:
i. huruf “H” yang bermaksud Halal
ii. nombor kod negeri mengikut Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara
iii.contoh : H-10
‘H’ bermaksud Halal
‘10’ melambangkan kod pendaftaran negeri Selangor
Logo HALAL sah dari JAIN/ MAIN
Logo HALAL keluaran Kilang Bihun Beras Indah
Syarikat ini yang dahulunya memproses bihun CAP CILI, CAP KETUPAT, CAP LANGSAT, CAP CABAI BURUNG, CAP BUNGA KANGKUNG, CAP CIK YATI dan CAP PHOENIX tetap berdegil dan terus menipu masyarakat dengan beroperasi semula baru-baru ini walaupun telah diarah untuk menutup kilang pada tahun lepas. Untuk lebih mengelirukan pengguna, kilang tersebut mengeluarkan jenama yang baru sedangkan tapak premis dan bahan-bahan masih lagi yang sama tanpa ada sebarang perubahan.
Jenama-jenama yang baru ialah CAP MASJID, bihun ekonomi CAP NYONYA, CAP KRIS, CAP LAKSA KAMPUNG, CAP LAKSA SILAT, CAP JATI, CAP KAPAL LAYAR dan CAP SYAIRIAH. Amat sedih sekali bila KBBI yang memang sah milik penuh orang bukan Islam selalu mengeksploitasikan jenama-jenama berunsurkan keIslaman dan kemelayuan sedangkan KBBI sedikit pun tidak mengikut garis panduan yang ditetapkan oleh kerajaan. Lebih-lebih lagi tempat pemprosesan bihun ini betul betul bersebelahan kandang BABI. KBBI bukan sahaja di kunjungi oleh pemborong malahan lalat lalat serta tikus dari jiran sebelah turut rajin memberi kunjungan, bukan itu sahaja terdapat bau bauan didalam kilang bihun tersebut yang kami sedia maklum.
Keadaan dalam kandang babi yang bersebelahan kilang KBBI
Sememangnya bihun dibuat dengan menggunakan bahan asas iaitu tepung beras yang halal, tetapi……. Pernahkah kita terfikir apakah bahan sampingan yang digunakan dalam pemprosesan bihun ini? Adakah sumber air yang disalurkan bersih dan suci seperti yang disyariatkan oleh agama Islam?. Jawapannya TIDAK…Pemprosesan bihun ini adalah bertentangan dengan etika halal kerana memproses dengan menggunakan bahan sampingan yang tidak halal. Masakan bersih, kandang babi bersebelahan kilang pemprosesan bihun. Bayangkan sahajalah, air adalah cecair yang mengalir. Bukan sahaja melalui lantai malahan tanah bumi jua air boleh melaluinya. Jikalau sudah bersebelahan, sudah pastinya mereka berkongsi longkang, saluran paip dan sebagainya. Air bawah tanah digunakan pula untuk diproses bagi penjimatan kos. Lagi- lagi tuan kilang bihun dan penternakan babi mempunyai hubungan persaudaraan. Memang tidak dinafikanlah ia menggunakan sumber air yang tidak suci dan najis dari babi.
Kasihanilah pengguna yang tidak mengetahui disebalik tabir bihun yang menjadi kegemaran mereka. Lazat saja pada pandangan mereka.
Saluran parit yang tidak terurus
Bayangkanlah situasi ngeri ini. Alangkah lebih baiknya KBBI hanya menghasilkan produk berjenama CAP BABI di bungkusan produk mereka. Bukan apa, ianya menyatakan dengan telus supaya tidak mengaburi pandangan masyarakat muslim amnya.
Atau pun KBBI boleh mencetak dengan jenama CAP H1N1. Ini kerana dunia sekarang digemparkan oleh wabak H1N1 (Influenza A) iaitu selsema babi. Malaysia tak terkecuali. Virus Influenza A ini berasal dari wabak yang menjangkiti populasi babi. Mereka yang bekerja dengan ternakan ayam dan babi terutama mereka yang terdedah secara langsung, berisiko dijangkiti virus daripada haiwan tersebut.Takkanlah sesame jiran malahan bersaudara tak bertegur sapa atau berjabat tangan. Ngeri sungguh dengan situasi tersebut. Lebih cepatlah wabak H1N1 ini merebak.
Tambahan lagi, untuk mengaburi mata pengguna, mereka dengan cerdik otaknya telah berfikiran kolot dengan meletakkan alamat yang berlainan dari alamat kilang sebenarnya di Kampung Selamat pada bungkusan bihun. Pastilah pengguna tidak akan membeli bihun tersebut jika diketahui adalah bihun keluaran KBBI serta terletak di Tingkat 6, Kampung Selamat yang semestinya perkampungan ternakan babi. Selain dari alamat premis yang telah ditukar, kilang tersebut juga bertindak menutup mata pengguna dengan meletakkan nama dan alamat pengedar atau pendaftar yang tidak dikenali para pengguna sebagai salah satu anak syarikat KBBI. Antara nama pengedar tersebut adalah GAN CHOON HIN & BROTHERS TRADING SDN.BHD, PERNIAGAAN YC ENG, Setia Jaya Murni Enterprise, TWENTY-TWENTY FOOD INDUSTRY SDN BHD dan SERBA WANGI SDN BHD. Seharusnya pada bungkusan bihun perlu diletakkan alamat Kilang Bihun Beras Indah seperti yang telah tercatit di dalam undang-undang. Takutkah mereka dengan mencetak nama premis lain sebagai ganti.
Alamat Setia Jaya Murni Enterprise
GAN CHOON HIN & BROTHERS TRADING SDN.BHD yang terletak di Kluang, Johor
PERNIAGAAN YC ENG di Skudai, Johor Bahru, Johor. (unit tengah)
Alamat PERNIAGAAN YC ENG yang dicetak pada bungkusan bihun ekonomi Cap Nyonya ini terletak di Skudai, Johor Bahru, Johor . Ia merupakan RUMAH KEDAI 2 TINGKAT dan bukan tempat pemprosesan bihun dan permis tersebut masih kosong. Bertujuan untuk mengaburi mata orang ramai.
Setelah diselidik, rupanya mereka hanya menukar bungkusan bihun yang lama pada yang baru. Bungkusan jenama terdahulu seperti CAP CILI, CAP KETUPAT, CAP LANGSAT, CAP CABAI BURUNG, CAP BUNGA KANGKUNG, CAP CIK YATI dan CAP PHOENIX yang dahulunya telah disita telah ditukar kepada bungkusan yang baru iaitu CAP MASJID, CAP KRIS, CAP NYONYA , CAP LAKSA KAMPUNG, CAP LAKSA SILAT, CAP JATI, CAP KAPAL LAYAR, CAP SERAMA dan CAP SYAIRIAH. . Sudah tentulah tiada penukaran pada bihun tersebut. Rugilah tuan kilang jika menukar sekali bihunnya. Sudah tentu jua proses yang dilakukan adalah sama. Alang-alang menyeluk pekasam biar sampai ke pangkal lengan. Kalau mahu untung, tukar sajalah bungkusan. Jual bihun yang sama. Tiada bezanya jika memproses lagi.
Pintar sekali kilang tersebut. Siapakah yang telah memberi idea yang bernas ini? Bagaimana pula barang keluaran terdahulu mereka masih kekal ada?
Untuk pengetahuan pembaca, kilang yang telah disita ini tidak boleh menjalankan perniagaan mereka oleh kerana kawasannya yang bersebelahan kandang babi. Seharusnya mereka tutup dan tidak beroperasi dan jikalau masih mahu menjalankan perniagaan, lakukanlah di kawasan yang bersih dan sesuai untuk pemprosesan bihun.
Risau sahajalah mereka dalam menjalankan perniagaan di tempat baru. Janganlah pula menipu para pengguna lagi.
Lagi perangai pelik dan tak bertanggungjawab KBBI kepada semua pengguna dan pembeli dalam cetakan tempoh tarikh luput. Mungkin ramai yang tidak tahu bahawa kerajaan Malaysia telah menetapkan setiap produk atau barangan yang berupa makanan yang dihasilkan hanya diberi 2 tahun tempoh tarikh luput dari tarikh produk tersebut dihasilkan. Gila agaknya KBBI dengan sesuka hati meletak tarikh luput sehingga tahun 2015. Kenapa tak dicetak dibungkusan bahawa bihun tersebut boleh dimakan sehingga 100 tahun lagi !!
Tarikh luput pada tahun 2015 iaitu 7 tahun akan datang
Siapakah yang sebenarnya berkuasa dalam menghalang kegiatan licik ini berlaku? Menurut sumber yang dipercayai, Kilang Bihun Beras Indah mempunyai sejarah yang buruk berkenaan kegiatan mereka. Kilang tersebut telah diserbu oleh pihak Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna – P.Pinang, Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri P.Pinang dan Majlis Agama Negeri P.Pinang. Pada kali terakhir mereka diserbu adalah pada tahun 2007 dan dipaksa tutup oleh pihak yang berkuasa.
Tetapi apakah yang terjadi sekarang ? Tidak sampai 2 tahun kilang tersebut disita. Mereka dengan penuh azamnya membuka semula malahan melanggar lebih undang-undang yang telah ditetapkan kerajaan Malaysia.
Longgar sangatkah undang-undang Negara kita? Dimanakah longgarnya jikalau begitu?Ataupun pihak berkuasa tidak menjalankan tugas memantau. Ataupun ada kisah lain di bawah meja.
Dimanakah etika kemanusiaan masyarakat Negara kita? Janganlah memburukkan nama Negara Malaysia lebih-lebih lagi Malaysia adalah pengeluar produk halal dalam dan luar Negara.
Gambar JENAMA BARU keluaran KBBI serta KESALAHAN pada bungkusan

Jenama ini diedar oleh
Setia Jaya Murni Enterprise
167, Jalan Machang, Kampung Kubang Gali,
17500 Tanah Merah, Kelantan
Cap Masjid yang diedarkan ini telah melanggar undang-undang kerajaan iaitu dicetak alamat Setia Jaya Murni Enterprise yang terletak di Tanah Merah, Kelantan walhal bihun ini dibuat dan diedar oleh KBBI, Kampung Selamat.
Lagi kesalahan pada bungkusan ialah tiada tanda HALAL dan tarikh luput bihun adalah pada 31/12/2015 iaitu tarikh pada 7 tahun akan datang.
Selain itu, mereka tanpa segan silunya meletakkan nama cap Masjid serta lambang surau, bulan dan bintang yang tentunya merupakan lambang-lambang agama Islam pada bungkusan bihun agar menipu mata para pengguna lebih-lebih lagi yang beragama Islam. Hal ini terang-terangan telah mempersendakan agama Islam dan penganutnya.
Jenama ini diedar oleh
Perniagaan YC ENG
22, Jalan Emas Putih 2,
Taman Sri Skudai,
81300 Skudai,
Johor Bahru, Johor
BIHUN EKONOMI CAP NYONYA yang diedarkan ini telah melanggar undang-undang kerajaan iaitu dicetak alamat Perniagaan YC ENG yang terletak di Skudai, Johor Bahru, Johor walhal bihun ini di buat dan diedar oleh KBBI, Kampung Selamat.
Lagi kesalahan pada bungkusan ialah tanda HALAL yang tidak sah dan tarikh luput bihun adalah pada 31/03/2013 iaitu tarikh pada 5 tahun akan datang.

Jenama ini diedar oleh
Lot Plo 11,
Jalan Mahsuri 1,
Kawasan Perindustrian Kluang,
6.5km, Jalan Mersing,
86007 Kluang, Johor
BIHUN EKONOMI CAP KRIS yang diedarkan ini telah melanggar undang-undang kerajaan iaitu dicetak alamat GAN CHOON HIN & BROTHERS TRADING SDN.BHD yang terletak di Kluang, Johor walhal bihun ini diedar oleh KBBI, Kampung Selamat.
Lagi kesalahan seperti mengemukakan alamat palsu serta tarikh luput yang tidak menepati syarat.
Jenama ini diedar oleh
No 1, Jln Kampung Kedundung,
Pokok Sena, Mk. Jabi,
06400 Alor Setar,
Kedah Darul Aman.
BIHUN CAP LAKSA SILAT , CAP LAKSA KAMPUNG DAN CAP SERAMA yang diedarkan ini telah melanggar undang-undang kerajaan iaitu dicetak alamat TWENTY-TWENTY FOOD INDUSTRY SDN BHD yang terletak di Alor Setar, Kedah walhal bihun ini diedar oleh KBBI, Kampung Selamat.
Lagi kesalahan adalah tanda halal yang tidak sah.
Jenama ini diedar oleh
Lot 2171,
Jalan Bukit Raya,
06700 Pendang,
Kedah Darul Aman.
Dikilangkan oleh
BIHUN CAP KAPAL LAYAR yang diedarkan ini telah melanggar undang-undang kerajaan iaitu dicetak alamat SERBA WANGI SDN BHD yang terletak di Pendang, Kedah walhal bihun ini diedar oleh KBBI, Kampung Selamat.
Lagi kesalahan adalah tanda halal yang tidak sah.
Kilang Bihun Beras Indah Sdn. Bhd.
Pandangan hadapan Kilang Bihun Beras Indah
Kilang Bihun Beras Indah yang tidak indah dan kotor lagi menjijikkan.
Papan tanda GAN CHOON HIN & BROTHERS TRADING SDN.BHD yang bersebelahan kilang
Lagi PENIPUAN…Gambar diatas merupakan GAN CHOON HIN & BROTHERS TRADING SDN.BHD yang terletak di Kluang, Johor. Kawasan yang penuh dengan barang-barang ini bukanlah merupakan kilang pemprosesan Bihun.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


By : Ishak Ab Rahman

Recognizing the fact that even though electronic media and print media in this country often display the source of knowledge, views and fatwas of scholars as a reference to the people, away from the practices of idolatry and superstition in the traditional medicine, but what is the lack of knowledge and knowledge religion, such practices still continue.
A case study includes a comparative study of the Malay community practices in their traditional medicine and confidence due to medication treatment of Islam. Through a number of studies that have been made by Islamic NGOs, GAPPIMA Islamic Medical Associations
After the glorious Islamic empire began to dissipate, many medical works from the time Islam began to emerge in Latin and influence the thinking and practice of the Western system. All modern historians recognize that the development of western medicine is influenced by Muslim medicine. In Europe in the 14th century to century 17 M, Islamic medicine was studied in earnest by students in the medical field and only recently as a century ago the 19m century, Muslims removed from the curriculum of medical education institution in the western world school.
In that century, the Europeans began to claim they are the people who pioneered and developed the era of the modern world as they appear today. They claim that Copernicus (1543 M) was the first in the field of Astronomy; Paracelsus (1541M) is a premier figure in the introduction of modern medicine and others. Loss of the effects glories of Islamic civilization also spread to the works of many medical Islam. We found these works appear in Latin. A total of 400,000 copies were destroyed and all of them involve a variety of disciplines including medicine.
Western colonialists have taken thousands of books and works of Muslims of the occupied countries. Therefore, we are looking at today, the book or the best work of Muslims are not to be found in their original state, even embedded in western museums. Princeton University for example has collected 10.000 Islamic manuscripts or employee. While in the Escorial, Spain, some 15,000 manuscripts originally written by Muslims past has been storage

Prominent Islamic Medicine
Ibn Sina. Ibn Sina is a leading Muslim doctor. Contributions in the field of medicine are not only certified by the Islamic world but also by Western scholars. Ibn Sina's real name was Abu Ali al-Hussian Ibn Abdullah. but in the West, he is better known as Avicenna. Ibnu Sina was born in 370 AH to 980 AD. Studies initially began in Bukhara in the field of language and literature. In addition, he also studied other sciences such as geometry, logic, math, science, jurisprudence, and medicine. Although Ibn Sina master of knowledge, including philosophy, but he was more prominent in the medical field either as a master of other sciences. Ibnu Sina became famous after successfully cure diseases Nas Prince Nub Ibn al-Samani who fails to be cured by other doctors. Prowess and expertise in the medical field unbeatable until he was given the title of al-Sheikh al-Rais (Master One). Fame beyond the region and the Muslim world. His Al Qanun fil Al-Thib was published in Rome 1593 before dubbed into English under the title Precepts of Medicine. In less than 100 years, the book has been printed in 15 languages. In the 17th century, the book was selected as a basic reference material in Italian and French universities. In fact, until the 19th century, his book still reprinted and used by medical students. Ibnu Sina has also produced a book titled Remedies for The Heart which contains medical poem. In the book, he tells and elaborates 760 kinds of diseases along with ways to treat it. Ibn Sina's writings actually not confined to medicine only. But also covers other areas such as metaphysics and science, music, astronomy, philology (linguistics), poetry, prose, and religion.
Medication of Arab Jahilliyah
Before the advent of Islam, the Arabs not only have pagan theology and social harmony problems, but they also have the medical knowledge unorganized, ignorant and contradictory with real medical value.
Various medical ways they are not only contrary to reason but also contain elements of superstition and idolatry. Examples;
a). Treat patients bitten by a snake or stung by a scorpion is putting on gold jewelry around his neck.
b). When a child gets sore then hid head with filter, thus the houses around their people to collect bread and dates are then given to the dog to eat so her heal.
c). Grant charms or amulets in various forms of certain past is wore or placed in the body like bad clothes and human bones allegedly inflicted disease demons. Even sore throat also 'blessed' to their charms.
When Islam came the medical tradition of this ridiculous fought in various ways through the teachings of the Prophet and his companions ijtihad results.
Various of Doa
There are so many prayers of reading as one of the methods in treating diseases of the Prophet. Among the most established among Muslims these days is Sura al-Fatiha (found in Sahih Bukhari no. 2,115). If you wish to purchase these books ruqyah sure it is upon the hadith of the Prophet saw. Usually it is located in the footnote of the book.
REFRAIN prayer books of unknown origin prayer. For example there is the prayer books depict the Arabic script or Jawi intermittent and recommended to copy then stored in the wallet as an antidote to magic or his pusher. This is called the talisman.
There are also the so-called prayers or blessings-blessings that can cure the disease, whereas Allah's never-say even past extreme advantages were to leave the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet. Therefore I suggest choose prayer books with the footnote that says the hadith where the prayer is taken.

What Ruqyah That Enough?
If enough of Allah's prayer would not say that honey, dates, content Habatussauda and other food that have healing aspects. But recent research by Muslims and non-Muslims began to open their eyes about the power of revelation (Sunnah) of the Prophet Muhammad through oral.
Among the miracles of medicine given in the hadith of the Prophet saw as flies, Ajwa dates, camel urine and everything else that has a curative effect on the disease. Until now the capability to review and there is still not known to the researchers.
Otherwise you can look in the book 'How to cure the Prophet' essays known scholars Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah.
Medical Manner of Rasulullah SAW
Method or medication that is done by the Prophet there are three ways namely;
a). Naturally through diet medication and so on. If we associate in this day and age is like taking drugs and taking vitamin pills and the like through a valid study.
b). Medication is ruqyah (inspired prayer to the Prophet) to get rid of various diseases including spiritual disease.
From Anas bin Malik: "Do you want me to ruqyah ruqyah Prophet?" ..... Anas said: "
اللهم رب الناس مذهب الباس اشف أنت الشافي لا شافي إلا أنت شفاء لا يغادر سقما
(O Allah, Lord man, Dzat that relieve pain. Heal Thou hast Healer. Nobody can heal thee of healing but that will not cause illness again). "[5301] Sahih Bukhari
Therefore to adopt this ruqyah is sunnah. When we practice prayer or invocation that is not inspired to the Prophet, then as if we lift others more words of the Prophet and the authentic Sunnah leave like this.
c). Medications that combines both. This was in fact the actual rules but I removed it or constructed it so easy to read and understand.
Properties Practitioner / Physician Muslim
1. Should be gentle and intelligent, efficient,
2. Quick decision-making, quickly moved from do not know to know. No medical assistants who can be gentle if it fails to recognize the dignity of human life, it would not be wise unless they know the logic, it cannot be efficient unless it is amplified with the help of God. If it does not efficiently predict it will not be able to recognize the disease ... "Modified from: Nizam-i-Arudi. Chahar Maqaal. Translation EG Browne, Volume XI, P76
3. Muslim vs. non-Muslim doctor Believing death Respecting  patients  Depending on God as the source of healing
4. Scope of biomedical technologies population control - birth control devices Terminating life-abortion, euthanasia, etc. Extension of age - organ transfers, fake organs, respiratory alat2, pacemakers, etc. The choice of sex & sex change surgery Improve the quality of life through genetic screening, genetic engineering, artificial insemination, sperm bank fertility problems - test-tube fertilization, surrogate mothers, etc. trials / studies involving human behavior control by surgical methods psycho / psychotherapeutic drugs.
5. What is the law to use drugs that are made of original material PIG? - Example: Clexane - treatment of coronary artery / Menomune - meningococcal vaccine
.6. Law MANDATORY treatment: Imam Shafi'i, Hanbali & Ibn Taymiyyah EXCELLENT MUST: consensus fuqahak & imam2 mahzab Which is more nice? Getting treatment or patient
7. Patient's opinion of Ibn Abbas more nice story of a jariah who was stricken with convulsions apply Rasululullah Prophet Muhammad prayed for him saying: "If you want to be patient, for thy heaven. If you want, I can pray that God may heal thy disease "Based on the action part of the companions who would rather be patient as Ubay bin Ka'b & Abu Dhar reported
8. Other opinion Imam Al Ghazali (Book Ihya Ulumuddin) rejected the notion "does not seek is more fine in all circumstances" Dr. Yusuf Al Qaradawi - must get treatment when pain magnitude & drugs are potent and follow the sunnah Allah Almighty, there is still hope to heal the Prophet himself medicated & he also told him medicated sahabat2 - Ibn Qaiyum Zaadul Ma'aad DLM.
9. Legal conclusions treatment / finding a cure for the cure of a disease if the patient is still hope for a cure is obligatory or supererogatory But when the disease was no hope of recovery according to the sunnah of Allah based on the law of cause and effect and the opinion of specialists, there is no one who says the ruling is not to mention the obligatory sunnah.

Wrong Method In Islamic Medication
Muslims have begun to imitate back medical methods of pre-Islamic Arab Jahilliyah. At worst it is done by the so-called as a religion when it is a member of the desires of profit and take advantage of other people, among them;
a). Visited the grave to ask for healing. Recently we see about people who visited the Big Island in Malacca. Although oral we say it is God who heals, but we act there on purpose 'effort' was wrong. This intermediate concepts fall into idolatry. This means we are not confident of the power of God and prayer we need to place the 'sacred' like to ask errand.
b). Zam-zam water thirty juz recited the Quran. This is very surprising because if not enough blessings zam-zam water until we want to add a 'blessing' to zam-zam water by reading verses from the Quran? The concept, from which comes the blessing? Everything is from God, what are we to doubt? The scientist will not be fooled, they target only the Muslims who are ignorant.
c). Believing shaman called teacher. Someone told me that it found a 'teacher' and asked to be cured of his illness. 'DJ' then give a few nails, read prayers and verses from the Quran to be placed at the door of the house. What nail can cure diseases? This magic and polytheism.
d). Inner surgery. This method is performed by the witches who work with the devil from the jinn. Those who come to this witch is like come shaman.
e). Remembrance practices contrary to Allah's remembrance and abuse of the verses of the Quran. The aims of this remembrance is not only for the purpose of healing disease even like to meet for dating, chants become invisible, chants become resistant and so on.
f). Mapping the genome where it can be collected supposedly understand the human genome and are free from all diseases (maybe just this one from the trial of the Dajjal). This is shirk. Islam does not prohibit genetic studies to be beneficial but not based on the Shari'a and tenets overcome.
God that cause disease and only God who heals. Pain is normal as purify or elevate someone.
Should we believe that a cure or healing for every disease in Islam except from Allah. But does not mean we should sit back and called trust without trying, but it's a motivation in themselves to prevent and find a cure with the Sunnah of the Prophet's practice. Besides, it can produce a sense of hope, fear and trust in the first place ask (Allah).
Islamic medicine is actually a legitimate medical system with basic medical or science doctoral current through empirical studies. Even Islamic medicine not only through medical science alone, but it will stick and put revelation (Quran and Sunnah) at the top. This means that contrary to the tenets of medicine is rejected.
As for the Prophet sabdaan about nutritional contents are revealed and we as Muslims need to make it a motivation to study and give the benefit of the Muslims and all people. Knowledge that is useful to get a reward that continues, by the effort.
Jabir bin 'Abdullah: Allah's Messenger said: "Every disease there is no cure. Whenever found the right medication for an illness, it will be cured of the disease with the permission of Allah' azza wajalla." [4084] Sahih Muslim
Misconceptions about the medical cause of Islam for not understanding correctly the meaning of faith. Repractise our syahadah everyday and pray that avoided not only in yourself but safety of family members, neighbors and all the Muslims from the trial that destroys this belief. You have to learn the true monotheism, READ and ask those who know.
Go back to making things right before talking about the laws of other Muslim physicians.

1.       Translation of Al-Quran Al-Karim . Al-Hidayah House of Qur'an Sdn. Bhd.Batu Cave, Selangor, 2009
2.       Sahih Al-Bukhary . Tahqiq, Sabry Ibn Abi Zayd ibn 'Alfah,  دار طويق للنشر والتوزيع   Second Edition, Riyadh 2011.
3.       Sahih Muslim {Translation). KH Adib Bisri Musthofa, Victory Agencie, 1994.
4.       Ibn Sina. القانون والطبيب. Rome, 1593
5.       Modified from: Nizam-i-Arudi . Chahar Maqaal . Translation EG Browne, Volume XI, P76
6.       Al-Jauziyyah, Ibn Al-Qayyim, Imam. الظب النبوي , Maktabah Dar al-Bayan, Fourth Edition, Beirut, Damascus, 2007.
7.       Ahmad, Yusuf Al-Hajj. Islamic Medicine {Translation Nasiruddin al-Khattab (Canada). Darussalam, Riyadh, New York, London 2010.
8.       Abu Khalil, Shauqi Dr. Atlas of The Quran. Maktabah Darussalam, Riyadh, London, New York 2003.

9.       Al-Jauziyah, Ibn Al-Qayyim, Imam. Translation "Healing With The Medicine of The Prophet SAW ", Jalal Abual Rub, Maktabah Darussalam, Riyadh, New York, London 2010.

Thursday, October 10, 2013